Kerosene is a medium-low aromatic solvent. It combines good solvency for solvent degreasing applications.
Kerosene can be used effective low-cost cleaning is required. It is the slow drying solvent degreaser for heavy work.
* Flash Point 40 degrees C β Dangerous Goods regulated product.
* Boiling Range -Slight oily, slow βtailβ.
* Slow evaporation rate
* Good solvency for many organic compounds.
* Minimum residue on drying
* Competitively priced to dry on the surface. Use lint-free rags and replace them regularly to avoid spreading contamination.
* Versatility β Kerosene can include any formulation where controlled evaporation is required; it is miscible
* with all other organic solvents.
* Solvency β Kerosene has good solvency for greases, oils, and many other organic compounds.
* User Friendly β Kerosene's lower aromatics content makes its use much more pleasant than solvents with high aromatics.